MORE *ANGELPEN* APPS This is a sublist under the G15 PMN app page To go back to the main G15 PMN app page click here: THE G15 PMN AngelPen APP is #7,777,777 and it's listed on the main G15 PMN app page (link above). With it are listed several apps. This is a sublist which provides more apps associated with AngelPen: CARTOONFRAC 7770004 Run this many times and you're bound to see cartoon-like shapes of animals and the like!This app contains the G15 PMN 3rd Foundation and the G15 PMN ANGELPEN app inside itself. You start CARTOONFRAC like you start any of these apps, then type ^k1 cc get and you can type 'get' many times--or make an LL loop that calls it several times, eg: lovely= ll:50 get 888 activepause lo. This will wait nearly a second after each glimpse it provides, when you type lovely Get CARTOONFRAC graphics here, and see instructions for how to mount any app in connection to eg the TexasStars app listed on the main G15 app page: /////Appnum: 7770004 TRIWORKS 7770005 See what two-three tiny program cards can do when you have G15 PMN and its AngelPen!
This app contains the G15 PMN 3rd Foundation and the G15 PMN ANGELPEN app inside itself. You start TRIWORKS like you start any of these apps, then type ^k1 cc Whether you are a starter to programming or one of the best thinkers on beauty in humanity, do yourself the favour of looking at the rediculously easy code behind this. And, if you like, modify and get even more insights. Get TRIWORKS graphics here, and see instructions for how to mount any app in connection to eg the TexasStars app listed on the main G15 app page: /////Appnum: 7770005 BRAINALIKE 7770006 A slight simplification and modification of our other 10 card fractals, and it is BrainAlike!
This app contains the G15 PMN 3rd Foundation and the G15 PMN ANGELPEN app inside itself. You start BRAINALIKE like you start any of these apps, then type ^k1 cc get As Aristo Tacoma discusses in "Art of Thinking, vol 1: The Study of Pure Esthetics", the fact that something more or less lifelike in visual appearance can pour out of fractal computer algorithms doesn't in the least suggest that there is anything machine- like about life itself. It is merely a dabbling in similarities and differences through whole fields that, in life, touch on the questions of quantum levels and the orchestration of life through holistic fields that aren't available to any machine. Get BRAINALIKE graphics here, and see instructions for how to mount any app in connection to eg the TexasStars app listed on the main G15 app page: /////Appnum: 7770006 TRIWITHIN 7770007 If you know a little bit G15 PMN, you'll find this tiny program an exercise in elegant logic!
The program uses self-calling functions to make triangles within triangles, using the G15 PMN AngelPen, and it has a tantalizing simplicity. If you wish to understand more about how to set up self-calling programs, give this jewel your closest attention. This app contains the G15 PMN 3rd Foundation and the G15 PMN ANGELPEN app inside itself. You start TRIWITHIN like you start any of these apps, then type ^k1 cc get So, get TRIWITHIN graphics here, and see instructions for how to mount any app in connection to eg the TexasStars app listed on the main G15 app page: /////Appnum: 7770007 GOLDCARD 7770008 When a square is drawn across a rectangle that is having the golden ratio, a NEW golden ratio arises!
Our eyes readily catch how, in some spiralling and tantalizing fashion, the golden ratio contains more of the same within itself. To explore this slowly, carefully and logically is possible with an elegant formalism within G15 PMN, and your Personal Computer will display how you are thinking when you adjust the formalism. Think about art, think about photo, also the longlegged photogenic models whose proportions are suggestive of a healthy sense of infinity, and see how the golden ratio quietly but with great success plays in the background or subliminal level of much of what goes on in human society, art, and entertainment. This simple, almost crude program has in it bridges to all sorts of human endavour. This app contains the G15 PMN 3rd Foundation and the G15 PMN ANGELPEN app inside itself. Fetch it and run it and, as it will tell you, type this to get it: ^k1 cc get Get GOLDCARD graphics here (and see easy instructions for how to mount any app in connection to eg the TexasStars app listed on the main G15 app page): /////Appnum: 7770008 THINKGOLD 7770009 To focus attention further on how the golden ratio works to create a remarkable kind of rectangle, containing an IDEA both of movement and spiral:
Again we're talking very simply programs--here you able to focus on just how a rectangle with the right golden proportions 'contain a spiral of movement'-- we simply indicate it, by some elegant, short functions, and your mind does the rest of the work! This app contains the G15 PMN 3rd Foundation and the G15 PMN ANGELPEN app inside itself. Fetch it and run it and, as it will tell you, type this to get it: ^k1 cc get Get THINKGOLD graphics here (and see easy instructions for how to mount any app in connection to eg the TexasStars app listed on the main G15 app page): /////Appnum: 7770009 FLAXENHAIR 7770010 Angelpen can explore some of the mysteries of wonderful hair!
In a dozen cards we can get the sort of wavelike bright glitter within somewhat larger waves associated with a strand of curly flaxen hair. This app contains the G15 PMN 3rd Foundation and the G15 PMN ANGELPEN app inside itself. Fetch it and run it and, as it will tell you, type this to get it: ^k1 cc get Get FLAXENHAIR graphics here (and see easy instructions for how to mount any app in connection to eg the TexasStars app listed on the main G15 app page): /////Appnum: 7770010 To go back to the main G15 PMN app page click here: